As other doors close, the one to entrepreneurship remains wide open.
It’s no secret that there’s an uprising among employees. It’s called the Great Resignation. The cause? The fact that workers…
- Want to earn more money
- Feel burned out and unsupported
- Lack leadership and mentorship¹
And so they’ve quit in the millions.
Can you relate to that? Do you feel like your boss doesn’t really care about your well-being or career? Is your gut telling you that your talents could be earning you more?
Perhaps you’ve worked hard for a raise, only to get passed over in favor of someone less qualified.
Or maybe you’ve explored new opportunities, only to find employers are requiring outrageous qualifications for little pay.
Plan A was getting a promotion. Plan B was getting a new job. And now, both seem impossible.
So what’s next? “Plan E”, the path to entrepreneurship.
Your Plan E leads to the entrepreneur lifestyle—owning your day, working when you want, collaborating with whomever you like.
It’s your escape plan for making a smooth transition from where you are now to the business and lifestyle you want. This plan gives you an easier way by lowering risks and removing obstacles. And most importantly, your ‘Plan E’ can put you in the helping hands of experienced mentors who can guide you on your journey.
Make no mistake—there will always be stumbling blocks along the road to building a business.
But a solid plan can keep you moving forward in spite of those hiccups so you’re not forced to retreat back to employment. It’s the difference between hitting a dead end or hitting the mark.
Any successful “Plan E” must assess…
• The Risks that can end an entrepreneur’s dreams
• The Reality that the most rewarding success will also be the most painful to earn
• The Mindset that you’re either growing or dying
• The Answers about which industry and market you’ll serve—and how.
• The People you go into business with who are critical to success
• The Options of going into business spare-time, part-time, or full-time
• The “E-Factor” of becoming a digitally-enabled entrepreneur
You don’t need permission. Once you’ve made your “Plan E”, you’re free to begin your mission. You’re ready to make the move.
If you have any questions about entrepreneurship, let me know. As part of the e2E movement, it’d be my privilege to help guide you from employee to entrepreneur.
¹ “The Real Reasons Workers Are Leaving in Droves? (Burnout Is on the List, but Not at the Top)” Melissa Angell, Inc., https://www.inc.com/melissa-angell/great-resignation-burnout-workers-upskilling-career-development.html