There are two ways to think about failure. One leads to unrealized potential. The other leads to overcoming obstacles.
But they don’t start where you might think. They’re actually both rooted in how you think about your ability.
The first mindset thinks ability is inherent.
When you accomplish something, you’re proving that you have innate talent, and maybe even superiority over your peers.
The second mindset thinks ability can be developed.
They see accomplishment as the result of problem-solving, practice, and effort.
See where this is going?
Adopt the first mindset, and you’ll see failure as an indicator that you are not enough. You failed because, on a fundamental level, you don’t have what it takes.
And those thoughts are the enemy of success. Why put in the effort if you believe you’ll fail just because of who you are?
Adopt the second mindset, and you’ll see failure as an indicator that you’re not quite there yet. Tweak this and hone that, and you’ll overcome your obstacles in now time.
That’s the mindset of success. Once you see your effort transform failure into triumph, you may find yourself almost addicted to developing your skills.
Which mindset have you adopted?